Tuesday, May 01, 2007

STOP THE WORLD - I think I want to get off.... Web 2.0 overload

If you wont mind me indulging in shamelessly ripping of the title of the 1960s musical - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stop_the_World_-_I_Want_to_Get_Off

Emarketer issued a report on business use of Web2.0. It makes for sad reading if you take off the rose colored glasses. http://www.emarketer.com/Article.aspx?1004868&src=article1_home.

There is a sense that we have now reached a theoretical - no make that practical - limit on how much "stuff" we all have to do. Not content with running websites and writing blogs we now have to do even more. And get chided by the likes of emarketer to boot.

Ian McCraig - the new CEO over at Lastminute.com - in his pundits eye view at the recent Travolution conference indicated that the market for Online travel was now mature. With now more than 50% of all travel purchased on line (but NOT exclusively) is it game over.

THe problem is that we are starting to see that as the market matures inefficiencies that once the unsavvy consumer lived with are now becoming either annoying or worse downright smelly. more and crap is being served up as either a Travel 2.0 or Web 2.0 stuff. It just gets in the way of doing what i want to do. (And NO i dont want to pay to have a non-ad stuffed version).

So here and now I am stating that i hope seller type people will listen and SIMPLIFY my life not make it MORE complicated - as a consumer. Otherwise I will become a hermit or something...

For a reasonably executed version of a clean site go to www.cleartrip.com . And if you want to compare expedias (yes there are 13 of them now) check out the newest www.expedia.es and the worst www.expedia.com.

