Friday, October 12, 2007

Monday, October 08, 2007

Oxford Dictionaryand Facebook Out to get me...

OK - call me paranoid but I believe there is an orchestrated effort via the Web to get rid of me - at least my name.

The Shorter Oxford Dictionary, you know the big one that is anything but shorter, has decided in its infinite wisdom to remove the hyphen (actually 16,000) of them from the language. I quote"

"Lovers of the hyphen, look away now: it seems to be on the way out. Drawing on the evidence of the Oxford Reading Programme and our two–billion–word Oxford English Corpus, we removed something like 16,000 hyphens from the text of the Shorter. So it's double bass, not double–bass, ice cream not ice–cream, makeover instead of make–over, and postmodern rather than post–modern."

So hence forth I shall be O'NEILDUNNE or O'NEILL DUNNE. (Oh yes and this is correct according to Heraldry law!) But wait that's not all. Facebook has also got it in for me. I recently reactivated my Facebook. OK - I had let it lapse. But I find I cannot put in my real name. (It asks me lots f questions about whether I want to be there as a celebrity but still it insits that 3 capitals in one name are too much and as keeper of the flame on the Internet - they have decided that I cannot have such a thing therefore my name must be O'neil-dunne.


But wait... my other family members get to have their names correctly... why not me?

It is a communist plot