Friday, April 13, 2007

The End of an ERA

In Spring of 1999 i used to dread having to go to the mailbox as my favorite weekly tech read was InfoWorld. The regular issues were well into the 50 pages plus. One monster edition clocked in at 124 pages.

Last week it closed its print edition a measly 38 pages and that was pushing it. Proudly proclaiming "Final Print Edition" sadly no more.

However - my laptop and all other electronic devices fail two critical tests of reading in my book.

1. - you cant comfortably take them with you to the toilet (one of the last refuges of peace and quiet)
2. You cant lay them out and stare at them

I liken this change to the end of the Album art canvas. A 12 inch LP was a place to display art. a CD case some how doesnt quite have the same impact. I need not tell you that look what happened to the entire food chain that was dependent on Albums. So too are we slowly witnessing the death of print. It wont ever truly die out but look what we have lost already...

-Diarists - bloggers dont even come close (this writer particularly)
-Letters - how will future generations unearth letters locked in trunks expressing passion and sentiment. IMs and SMSs are hardly eloquent
-Complete sentences...

Infoworld - I will miss you. And please stop spamming me with so much data. I only wanted to be able to skim certain pieces.



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