Sunday, February 18, 2007

UI Sux - edition # 423/07

recently i have been trying to plan a Round the world trip using the products from the major players - STAR, ONEWORLD and SKYTEAM. Plus i reviewed an independent tool from Airtreks.

Star uses a piece of technology from Goldenware. Oneworld uses Innovata. Skyteam did it themselves and AirTreks uses in-house developed tools.

They all suck.

Goldenware is very slow and crashes all the time. Innovata is as slow as a dog and also crashes. Skyteam makes you go through 9 screens before you find out that there is no tool. Oh yes it did give me a sample price... in Korean Wan!!!! 5,600,000 of them. (where is my wheelbarrow when I need it). Airtreks is very pretty not not very useful.

At the prices charged this should be a revenue spinner for an airline grouping. But alas they think this is not worth it. I realize there probably are not a lot of them sold every year but people this is the most expensive product you sell. Why not do a good job???

The follow up is incredible. I got a call from Germany (even though I said I was a UA customer) well that was last time. This time I received nothing.

So what do i learn from this... Call American Express - they do a better job than the airlines.

Next edition - find out how I managed with calling each of them



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